Friday, October 2, 2009

Maddox's first tooth!!!

So Maddox goes to stay with Aunt Hee Hee today. She calls me and tells me he has been screaming all morning. He had been getting a cold but we were thinking it must be getting worse so I left work to take him to the doctor. I get over to Heather's and we discover what could be the culprit of all his displeasure today.... his first tooth just popped through!! Yep that's right my little man has a tooth:) I can't believe it! Since we had the appt. we took him to the dr. anyway and in fact he does just have a cold (and some more weight.. he gained 1 lb 2 0z since his last visit 3 weeks ago. He is now up to 16lbs 8 oz.). He actually hasn't been too fussy since I got him this afternoon so hopefully I won't have days and nights of screaming ahead of me due to this whole teething process. I can't get a picture of it yet b/c it's not that visible. I did take a couple pics in his exersaucer this afternoon. The bottom one of him chewing on that toy is what he is doing to everything!! He has just started grabbing for and picking up everything so it all goes right in his mouth for him to gnaw on. Well that is one of our first very exciting milestones... with more to follow very soon, I'm sure.

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